Saturday 22 September 2012

Broth with Snails and Frogs, against a dry Cough.

Take a dozen of Vine or Garden Snails, and the hind legs of two dozen of Frogs; let them have two or three boils, to take off the skim, then pound them in a marble Mortar; take also the white of four Leeks, or half a dozen good turnips, which you must scrape and cut small, with a small handful of peel’d Barley.

Let the whole boil in two pints of Water till boiled to one:

Then let it run through a Sieve without straining it, and make it serve twice:

Before you give it to a Patient, put ten or twelve grains of pounded Saffron in the Porringer.

This sort of Broth is taken fasting in the morning, and three or four hours after supper, for a month or six weeks, taking some Purge when requisite.


Texts from Vincent la Chappelle's

The Modern Cook: Containing Instructions for preparing and ordering Publick Entertainment for the Tables of Princes, Ambassadors, Noblemen, and Magistrates. As also the least Expenditure Methods of providing for private Families, in a very elegant Manner.

3 vols, 2nd ed. (1736)

Vincent la Chappelle was chief Cook to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield and later Chief Cook to his Highness the Prince of Orange.

1 comment:

  1. Before you give it to a Patient, survival warehouse .com put ten or twelve grains of pounded Saffron in the Porringer.
