Take a dozen of Vine or Garden Snails, and the hind legs of two dozen of Frogs; let them have two or three boils, to take off the skim, then pound them in a marble Mortar; take also the white of four Leeks, or half a dozen good turnips, which you must scrape and cut small, with a small handful of peel’d Barley.
Let the whole boil in two pints of Water till boiled to one:
Then let it run through a Sieve without straining it, and make it serve twice:
Before you give it to a Patient, put ten or twelve grains of pounded Saffron in the Porringer.
This sort of Broth is taken fasting in the morning, and three or four hours after supper, for a month or six weeks, taking some Purge when requisite.
Texts from Vincent la Chappelle's
The Modern Cook: Containing
Instructions for preparing and ordering Publick Entertainment for
the Tables of Princes, Ambassadors, Noblemen, and Magistrates. As
also the least Expenditure Methods of providing for private
Families, in a very elegant Manner.
3 vols, 2nd ed. (1736)
Vincent la Chappelle was chief Cook to
the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield and later Chief
Cook to his Highness the Prince of Orange.
Before you give it to a Patient, survival warehouse .com put ten or twelve grains of pounded Saffron in the Porringer.